Tuesday 9 June 2015

Print screen Storyboard

The video I am imitating: 

Yonkers- Tyler the Creator

I am doing the 60 seconds of 1.35-2.35 

There are three shots.

1st Shot: 

1.35- 2.00

At 1.43 The Mise-en-scene is very basic, it is a plain white background throughout the 30 second segment.
The costume is a patterned shirt with the supreme cap. 
The lighting is front facing down so the cap gives a slight shadow onto the face. 
The editing has enabled for the lens to appear to be going in and out of focus in random sections of the shot. 
This is a medium shot. 
Throughout the 30 seconds of this shot the camera remains stationary. 

The shot ends at 2.00 when Tyler has removed his shirt and throws it onto the camera creating a complete black screen. 

The next shot is a medium close-up which tracks into an extreme close up of the rapper. 
It also does this whilst going in and out of focus. 

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