Wednesday 7 October 2015

Conventions of form

The conventions of a music video that the audience most commonly recognise are:
Costume – a range of costumes throughout the music video gives it more of an interesting look.
Performance – live, lip-synced or dance, usually depends on the genre.Narrative – can be a story or purely abstract. 
Artist feature – the artist will be seen throughout the video usually, promoting the artist image through the video.
Music/song – the artist’s song would be played throughout the music video to promote the song. Other things such as a range of cinematography and a range of images are also conventions that we would use in music videos.
Rhythmic editing – editing that goes the beat of the song will usually be used throughout the video.
A range of cinematography – wide shots, pans, 360 degree shots, high and low angles, etc.
A range of editing techniques – fades, overlaps, dissolves, slow motion or reverse edits may be used instead of just the standard cut.
Alternative Music videos for Alternative bands often switch from between the band and an alternate story line or sometimes the band playing ties in with the main story. The main story in this video being clips from the 70's TV show happy days. Another convention often seen in alternative music videos is humour, this can been seen with the cameos of characters from the show. Derelict sets is another typical convention along with rough, shakey camera work and dim lighting one examples of this is Joy Divisions Love will tear us apart.
Pop music videos have a bright and warm colour scheme, this is because pop songs tend to have a happy subject matter. Pop music videos also tend to use attractive young people as the target audience are usually young. Another convention of pop music videos are dance routines, unlike the other genres I have mentioned when the artists are performing they are dancing to choreographed dance routine. 
Here is an example 


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