Tuesday 15 December 2015

Costume Ideas

Costumes & Makeup

Queen of Hearts 

Costume Ideas are as follows, I started with a simple queen of hearts makeup tutorial idea. I feel as though the queen makeup from the Disney production was representative enough, however I may investigate and try out some more ideas. 
I used a contour palette in order to create the defined cheekbones.

The overall outcome was rather rushed.
I used a glitter eye layer ontop of a creme base. 
I  used a liquid eyeliner to create the effect of bottom lashes. 

White Rabbit 

The white rabbit is usually seen to be a rather nervous and quick moving character, however I want the rabit in y music video to be rather slow, creepy  and unsettling. Similar to the rabbit that appeared on Misfits. (As seen below) 
misfits white rabbit 
I bought a full head mask from ebay from a chinese dealer. The mask came within two to three working days. The mask is creepy and what I had hoped for. 

I had seen different versions of these full masks, such as horses which made me think of the white rabbit idea. I think that this would give an eerie effect partnered with a suit and white gloves. 
Mad Hatter

Although the Mad Hatter is designed very well by Tim Burton's production, I wanted to get away from the Disney image of the Mad Hatter and take the design and make it almost weirder than it already is. I practiced on my sister as it was much easier to do this for organisational purposes (I couldnt ask liam to come to my house for me to just practice makeup and costume design). Therefore my first attempts at constructing my Mad Hatter costumes are shown below. On holiday in a cocktail we recieved a paper parrot, this will sit in the dungarees pocket, as I thought it would provide the Mad Hatter with a good twist to his costume, and for those who notice it it will be aesthetically pleasing. 


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