Sunday 20 December 2015

Tea party ideas

disney tea alice in wonderland mad hatter tea party

In reference to Alice and Wonderland and the infamous unbirthday tea party I want to create an unsettling tea part with my characters. 

The issue I face is where to put it. I have thought about placing the table into the lake in Melton it is very shallow and having this may look very effective however the realistic approach is telling me not to do this as it involves transporting a table in and out of the water. 

I will have all three characters sat around a table with different food etc. And obviously tea, however I want the tea to look a strange colour either red or green to depict that it isn't tea at all but in fact another intoxicating substance 

Update 1st march 

I have decided to capture certain things to do with food. Rather than actually having all three characters sat together I will be using and playing with food in the video. Such as Jelly, Bread and eggs. 

alice in wonderland disney mad hatter tea party

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