Thursday 17 December 2015

My Plan

Over the next following weeks up to the end of term when we break up for Christmas, I am planning to finish most of my planning stage as I have finished all of my research. This is so when I break up over Christmas it allows me a good amount of time to start filming and trying to produce my music video, allowing me to re-shoot over the break and get hopefully all of the filming I need done. Then hopefully if anything is wrong or needs changing I wont need to go and re shoot, because of my wide range of footage over the break. Although if I do need to, it will only be quick changes as the majority will be hopefully good footage from filming over the break. Therefore also when I go back into the next term I will be on top of things and ready to go ahead into the post production stages. This is what I am to produce over the short time left in the year, which I feel is do-able.

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