Thursday 7 January 2016

Dilating Pupil

movie film cat beauty creepy

Diluting pupil effect

In order to achieve this, I used my sisters eye. I didn't think makeup was required to do this as it looks better bare and naked. 
I was able to do this by using a bright torch. Firstly, I made my sister shut her eyes for a considerable amount of time. I then told her to open her eyes and at this point I turned on the torch and faced it just above her eye (This is in my health and safety grid). 
It gives the impression of drug use when I reverse the shot in final cut pro, which is what I was hoping for from the start. 
Although, because it is a very quick movement in the eye, It will be fairly difficult to make sure the audience properly see it. I tested it with my mother first, this was because she was the first person I saw when I learnt how to do it. And obviously, I was buzzing to try it out. 

trippy pupil dilation

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