Thursday 25 February 2016

Magazine Advert Analysis #3

As you can see Arctic Monkeys have gone for a mono tonal black and white style of magazine advert. Almost as if it were an old rock poster. However this is what fits in with he style of Arctic Monkeys as they are a indie-rock band that is fascinated with old rock and want to try and recreate this style of music or reinvent it as such. Therefore this has been conveyed in their magazine advert and we understand their genre of music through this as rock. This magazine advert has a slightly alternate style though. The entire magazine has a black background and isn't the album artwork or a similar image to it. The album cover is just centered and bordered in the middle of the advert. This advert can be seen as breaking away from the rest of other adverts and this minimalist style of advert is in fact making the album more iconic as it stands out. However this could also ruin its credibility due to it ruining its image. his could in fact take us away from h image of the album cover, therefore when we see this album cover it isn't as memorable or recognisable to us. However this can work in both ways as it can in fact have a bigger impact on us as a viewer due to it's simple style.

In this poster the one thing that stands out to me is the bold serif font placed above the album artwork in the center. This traditional style of ext reinforces this style of rock and roll hat the Arctic Monkeys want to live up to. This yet again makes their genre and band image recognisable. his bold white ext against the plain black background creates a strong contrast that would stand out to the viewer as well as being placed a he top of the page emphasises is place and their name. This being one of their first albums also relates back to how they want to come across and want their name to be recognised to the public. Therefore this strong theme of rock n roll as well as this bold and emphasised text at the top shows how they want to remembered. this simple style of magazine advert with not emphasising the album cover could relate to how they want to promote themselves more than the actual album as they want to become a band image.

This strong contrast in colour of black and white is used throughout. However we yet again see a use of more than one font, although this time it is 3 and not only 2. This I feel is too much and makes this simple style of magazine have almost too much going on and juxtaposes the style that they are going for. I feel this use of three fonts becomes distracting to the look and style of the advert as they want to come across with a rock n roll style. I think it is more successful in terms of an advert to emphasise the image of the album cover which is therefore done through the dominating image of the background which they have not done, as well the mixture of font draws s away form the message. Furthermore the advert having slightly too much wording about reviews etc which is good however you just want to convey a simple message about adverting our album which this advert doesn't focus on I feel, however I feel this is because this is their debut album. I think this magazine advert is tying to be too different is almost just promoting their band and its image rather than the actual album itself.

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