Thursday 24 March 2016

Organising my cast screenshots

These are some of the initial messages to my cast in order to get them to give me information about when they could film and when they couldn't. The advantage of having face-time has also allowed me to show my cast how I want their makeup to be and how I want them to act. This has been done through not actually meeting up, but by frequent face-time calls therefore allowing my to get some blog work done when they are not actually filming. 
This method seemed to prepare my cast well as it meant that I was able to tell them what i wanted to do using my facial features and over video as opposed to writing it, which could have been interpreted differently. 
Also, the use of testing has enabled me to make quick contact with those who are in my music video in order to allow for them to call me if they get lost on the way to my house or to be able to message me to say if they were going to make it or not.
I did have a bit of difficulty in organising my cast because I ideally wanted to get all three of them together, however I was only able to do this on one occasion as Mollie had another thing planned. Mollie also was rather sick (it was winter when I filmed) therefore standing outside was very difficult and sometimes we felt it was best for my actresses welfare to not go ahead with the filming for the day. 

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